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VSL's new Teaching simulator...a new way to learn driving.



Statistics show that our young drivers are not educated enough when they are first on the roads, especially in with the effects of alcohol and speed behind the wheel. The use of a simulator would provide experience and knowledge long before they get behind the wheel of a car on a road.

The concept VSL is promoting involves bringing the Teaching Simulator into the first year of High Schools aimed at young drivers, before they start thinking about getting their licence. This car would be programmed to simulate the very real effects to teach all drivers. A further module is being planned that will teach young drivers about the effects of speeding and drink driving at a later date.

We feel that if they were able to learn and experience what can happen on the roads it would provide them with necessary skills and abilities with an aim to lessen the number of fatal accidents on our roads. Young drivers today that are learning to drive are dealing with fast cars and different rules. Their parents or friends are teaching them, potentially passing on bad habits. What they are learning now will be passed onto their kids and so on.

Young drivers need to know the ins and outs of driving and being responsible on the road long before they actually drive on the road. The Teaching Simulator would give them valuable first-hand experience of what can happen if you get behind the wheel of a car with the ability to stop a tragic reality.

Teenagers can't have a firearm till the age of 18, they must go through training too and police applications to get a licence to use a firearm; yet at 15 you can get into a car untrained which is killing more people than firearms in New Zealand.